Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Tuesdays With A.W. Tozer

(Bolles Harbor, Monroe, MI)

Christianitytoday.com's "Out of Ur" will be featuring the thoughts and writings of A.W. Tozer via Margaret Feinberg. Check every Tuesday for the next several weeks.

Tozer had no seminary education but was a deep and profoundly insightful Jesus-follower. I've read The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy, and would do well to revisit them in the future.

Feinberg writes: "Though he lacked formal theological training, Tozer became a pastor of a small church and continued to pastor for more than four decades. What made Tozer extraordinary was his approach to prayer and faith. He became enthralled by God in a way few men or women do-though many hope to. In his first editorial, he wrote: “It will cost something to walk slow in the parade of the ages, while excited men of time rush about confusing motion with progress. But it will pay in the long run and the true Christian is not much interested in anything short of that.”"

Now that... is beautiful...

Feinberg adds: "Simply put: Tozer makes me hungry for God."

Me too.