Kids praying at Redeemer |
I invited people from my church (Redeemer, in Monroe, Michigan) to share testimonies of thanksgiving. Here are some that were submitted to me.
1) I am thankful for shelter,
though I don’t own it.
2) I am thankful for income,
though it’s not the job I prefer.
3) I am thankful for family,
though we are not biologically related.
4) I am thankful for
transportation, though it is in less-than-perfect condition.
Instead of complaining
about things I will focus on what I have been given!
Jeffrey Beauman
This year, I am especially thankful for
how faithful God is in answering prayer, especially when seeking His counsel
for direction in major life decisions. He provided for us and protected
us from adversity in many ways this year, like in selling our home (when it
wasn’t even on the market), buying our long-desired Lake Michigan home,—even
providing a local condo to meet needs we didn’t even know we had! I
learned that our job is to ask, then WAIT…He does give very clear guidance in
His time and in His way. His hand of protection over our family as He
guided us this year has truly been remarkable, and has encouraged us to
continue to trust in God in all things!
Denise Hunter
I am so grateful for who our
God is and HIS great love and mercy toward me. I am so grateful that HE is so
trustworthy, so creative, so powerful and perfect. I am so grateful for HIS
WORD and HIS SPIRIT who teaches us. I am grateful for life and the life HE has
given me. I am grateful for my marriage and my delightful family. I am awed by
the way HE uses all things for my good. I am so thankful for each person that
HE has brought into my life. Each one is a gift from God to me. I thankful to
be among HIS people and in a country that allows me to freely worship HIM. I am
overwhelmed with HIS provisions for me. My cup runneth over. Too much for
my feeble thanks.
Sallie Collins
I am thankful that I can
speak to God(!!!) about yummy pie and puffy white clouds, and it's important to
Him. Yet, I can also speak to Him about my deepest fears and darkest secrets, and
He won't freak out.
Naomi Vaive
Redeemer Church,
My family and I are so thankful for all your
prayers for Gage. He was very sick and ended up having brain surgery last
Thursday. He is recovery very well, and gets stronger each day with therapy. He
will continue with outpatient therapy, hoping for a full recovery after a two
week stay in Motts Children’s Hospital. Today he walked out of the hospital on
his own two legs, something he couldn't do a week ago. We had so many prayers
and an amazing group of supporters from everywhere, even strangers from around the world. We have been praising God
everyday, giving him all the glory for the miracle he gave us in Gage. We are
filled with such gratitude and joy, God Bless you all.
Thank you, and
Happy Thanksgiving!
Joanne Bagley
I'm thankful that His glory
will ALWAYS be found in even the darkest of circumstances in my life, even in
loss. When we allow Him permission to work, he can beautifully mold our hearts
to show us His glory and His love. When we lost our child in the womb, and
consequently all future children, I never questioned His goodness. My only
response after grieving was "Okay, God, show me YOUR glory, how are YOU
glorified through this pain." His response was to work in my heart and
give me a deep love for the kids and teenagers around me, and give me a desire
to disciple them, and the grace to love them like they are my own children,
even though I'm not much older than many of them. He has filled my life with
children despite my circumstances telling me I would birth no more! That is a
glorious work born from a place of deep pain. And the glory is His!
Nicole Griffin
I am thankful that God
spared my life after a very dire medical situation, not only keeping me alive
physically, but also using this seemingly bad situation to provide a more
vibrant, thankful, peace filled, and hopeful life. I am thankful that He
allowed me to see how many people I have in my life who truly love me and care
about my well-being. I'm thankful that He taught me in a very tangible
way that He provides for our every need, even when we can't see how it will be
possible. I am thankful that depression, fear and anxiety no longer
define my life, that I am not alone and don't have to figure everything out on
my own. I am thankful for my career and the opportunity to love on my
students and their parents with His love.
This is just the tip of the iceberg! There is SO
much to be thankful for!
Jaymi Yettaw
The past three years have been a major battle - an attack from the enemy, but through the battle the Lord did something I didn't think was possible, The Lord saved my marriage; and we celebrated 35 years of marriage in September. I am thankful that I serve a God of the possible - Luke 18:27, where Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God."
I am thankful for a loving heavenly Father who is patient, for showing me that I am his beloved daughter, and in HIS timing, with love, He is taking me out of my comfort zone and placing me where HE wants me to be.
I am thankful for my husband, my children, and grandchildren.
I am thankful for my family Redeemer Fellowship church.
Denise Kukwa