(I took this picture in Times Square years ago.) |
Here is our New York City itinerary, for our church family and any who pray for us (thank you so much!).
Tues., May 28 - We fly to New York City. We will be hosted by Dr John and Rosie Hao, pastors of Faith Bible Church and Faith Bible Seminary. The website is HERE. This is a large, Chinese church, with multiple services and campuses. Most of my talks will be translated into Mandarin. Dr. Hao was one of my students when I taught in the doctoral program at Palmer Theological Seminary. The Hao's and their church family are precious friends!
We'll spend Wed. and Thurs. exploring the city. Esp. Soho and the surrounding neighborhoods.
Friday, May 31, 7:30-9:30. I'll speak on "How to Respond to Same-Sex Marriage." The timing of this is interesting, since the largest Gay Pride event the world has seen will be in NYC in the month of June.
Sat., June 1, 11 AM. I will be the commencement speaker at Faith Bible Seminary's graduation. I'll speak on the most important thing a Christian leader is to do; Abide in Christ.
Sunday, June 2. I will preach at two services, on "The Presence-Driven Church." One message will be translated into Mandarin, the other is all English. Many who have come from China and speak no English will be at the first service.
Monday, June 3, through Thursday, June 6. 10 AM - 4 PM. I will teach Leading the Presence-Driven Church to students of Faith Bible Seminary. Twenty-one have enrolled so far. My talks will be translated into Mandarin. And, I will send the students out to pray during the class times.
Tuesday, June 4. Seminary class again. And, from 7:30-9 PM, Linda and I will lead a seminar on Relationships. (We will co-write a book on this, the Lord willing.)
Wednesday, June 5. Seminary class. Then, from 7:30-9 PM, I will teach a seminar on "The Authority of the Bible."
Thursday, June 6. Last day of seminary teaching. Then, from 7:30 - 9 PM, I will teach a seminar "Technology and Spiritual Formation."
Friday, June 6. Linda and I go to Manhattan in search of the perfect bagel, and the greatest Chocolate soda.
Sat., June 7 - back to Monroe!
Sunday morning, June 9 - at Redeemer. I will preach on "Revival and the Father's Love." I am reading
this book as part of my prep for this message.
Thank you for praying for us - love,
John and Linda