Monday, November 21, 2011

Praying for My People Tomorrow

For the past 30 years, on Tuesdays, I go apart to a place away from my home and office and pray, from three to six (or more) hours. All of our church staff do this weekly, too.

Yesterday, Sunday morning at Redeemer, I told our people that if they had something they'd like me and my colleague Pastor Josh Bentley to pray for on Tuesday, they can write it down on a 3X5 card and we'd pray for them. My instructions were:

Take a 3X5 card. Write your request, and your name. Add your ph. # because, if God gives Josh or I a word of knowledge or a word of prophecy (1 Cor. 14:3) then we may call you and share it with you.

As pastors we pray for our people, and consider it a privilege to do so. I see this as at the heart of what I am to do.