Monday, August 20, 2012

Multitasking Inhibits Full Presence

On my first date with Linda I monotasked. Not multitasked. I suppose I could have invited her to be with me while I did five other things concurrently. Had that been the case I doubt she would have been interested in me.

Multitasking has its place, but that place is not the strengthening of human relationships. Generally, multitasking weakens relationships as it spreads oneself too thin over many things. I can assure you that, on that first date with Linda, my heart, soul, mind, and strength were locked onto her, and nervously and hopefully, I might add.

Richard Foster writes: "My pattern [when being with people] is always to be as fully present as possible to the people and activities of the moment. When I travel there is no multitasking for me. No cell phone calls. No extraneous interviews. No catching up on e-mail. No laptop computer work in between events. All my energies are focused on the present moment and the precious people filling those moments." (Foster, Sanctuary of the Soul: Journey into Meditative Prayer, Kindle Locations 950-952)

Multitasking inhibits full presence, with people, and with God. Full presence is the experiential place where glory is revealed. When fully present to people and places, you will see things you've never seen before. This concerns "really seeing." In photography, people speak of "having a good eye."

Learn to love God this way. Develpp a good eye for God. Put down the cell phone, lay aside the laptop, step into God's creation, and behold the beauty of the Lord.