Friday, August 10, 2018

Seek to Become Lower

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Via Dolorosa, in Jerusalem
"As one rises higher and higher in spiritual power and blessing, and as his influence among men becomes greater and greater, then, as Dr. Dowie once said … he must ever seek to become lower and lower and lower."

God's grace and favor rests, not on those who are humbled (we all get humbled), but on those who are humble (this is about our character). See here.

Spiritual leaders who seek to become higher, recognized, even famous and honored, are opposed to God. God resists them. And what God resists will soon desist. Again, see here.

If you desire the spotlight you stand in darkness.

God has shown you, you mere mortal,
what is good.
You know what the Lord requires of you.
It is:
to act justly,
to love mercy,
and to get lower before your God.

Micah 6:8

My two books are:

Praying: Reflections on 40 Years of Solitary Conversations with God

Leading the Presence-Driven Church

I am writing...

How God Changes the Human Heart

Technology and Spiritual Formation

Linda and I will then co-write our book on Relationships