Wednesday, October 09, 2013

How I am Studying the Book of Hebrews

At Redeemer I'm preaching through the biblical book of Hebrews. Here's how I am approaching the text. Join me in studying Hebrews if you like!

  1. Read through the entire book. I'm using mostly the NIV and The Message. I want to keep the entire thing before me. Read it... over and over and over... (My ability to read the text in Greek is not great but sufficient to do things like word studies, etc.)
  2. Meditate on the text. Both in reading and meditating, when insights, questions, and God-leadings come, I write them down. Because I am saturating myself in the text these things can happen anywhere, any time. 
  3. Study commentaries.
    1. I recommend N.T. Wright's Hebrews for Everyone, for starters. Note especially how Wright translates the text.
    2. I've got hard copies of: Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Hebrews, James, and Jude, by Ben Witherington; Hebrews: The NIV Application Commentary, by George Guthrie; Hebrews and James: The Expositor's Bible Commentary, by Leon Morris and Donald Burdick;  and Hebrews: Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, by Donald Guthrie.
    3. I use Google books a lot. Here, e.g., is Peter O'Brien's Hebrews commentary. All for free!
  4. Read Four Views on the Warning Passages in Hebrews, by Herbert Bateman IV. This is a very helpful resource on these difficult, controversial verses.