Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Remember What Is Important

I send myself e-mails, as reminders of things God has spoken to me. One of the files I bounce back to myself is this one. As I read it I remember what is important to me, and where my focus is to be.
Be myself. Be who God made me to be, with all my strengths and infirmities.

Overcome denial.

Overcome fear & intimidation.

Overcome addiction

Do not compare...

Stimulate the mind with intellectually challenging reading.

Physically exercise

Get outside and ponder God's creation

Listen to excellent music

Write worship songs

Remember blessings

Enjoy Linda, Dan, Josh

God works all things together for good!

Live in gratitude

Remember - you're not alone

Eat well

Pray about struggles

Enter deeply into God's presence

Know the Father's love

Play the guitar

Lead worship with passion and excellence

Preach with passion and excellence

Teach brilliantly


Don't lose your joy

Lead with confidence

Mentor with discernment...


Take beautiful photographs

Love others deeply