Saturday, June 15, 2019

For My Redeemer Family (6/15/19)

Hello Redeemer Family!

Here are some things I want to share with you.

FATHER'S DAY AT REDEEMER - Sunday, June 16. I'll preach on "The Two Things Every Father Must Do for Their Children."

VERTICAL MARRIAGE: Linda and I are encouraging our marital couples to purchase and read Vertical Marriage: The One Secret that will Change your Marriage, by Dave and Ann Wilson. Then, Linda and I will host a picnic at our house on Sunday, July 14, 6 PM. Bring a dish to pass. I'll do hamburgers on the grill. After eating together, we'll have sharing on the book - what we learned from it. Bring your lawn chairs. PLEASE LET US KNOW IN ADVANCE IF YOU CAN MAKE THIS for our food planning.

ENCOUNTERS WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Today my book appeared on I've co-edited the book with Janice Trigg. Chapters are on the nature of the Holy Spirit and experiences and encounters with the Holy Spirit, with chapters by Annie Dieselberg, Clay Ford, Ross Lieuallan, John Grove, Teri Nyberg, Lee Spitzer, Ed Owens, Pam Wantz, and Norelle Lutke.

You can buy the book HERE- $11.95.

Kindle edition coming soon!

STEVE AND WENDY BACKLUND at Redeemer Sept. 20-22. It's going to be great!

Linda and I are so thankful for all of you - blessings!