Saturday, September 07, 2024

Abortion and the "Whatever" In the Womb

(Church, in Columbus, Ohio)

(I'm re-posting this to keep this ball in play, as things are again intensifying.

It is important to understand why I, and others like me, are so against abortion.

For us, the conceptus/embryo/fetus is a "human life." So, to abort is to kill a human life.

I am against killing innocent, defenseless, voiceless human lives. I think you would be, too, if you believed the inborn being was a human life.

So, the human-life-killer [rightly named if the inborn being is a human life] claims "women's rights over their bodies" include a woman's right to kill a human life, which also happens to be their daughter or son.

If the inborn being is not a human, then there's no problem killing the life inside, since we kill non-persons all the time.)

This happened in 1984.

X was twenty-two years old when she asked to meet with us. She said, "I have something I need to share with you." We waited for X to call. She didn't.

X was in our church family. When we saw her again she said, "I am going to call you. I need to share something with you."

We waited. She didn't. And she said the same thing the next time Linda and I saw her.

We waited again. She called. Linda, X, and I met together.

"I have something I need to tell you," said X, with her head hanging down. We waited. For thirty minutes. Finally X said, through breathless tears, "Two years ago I had an abortion."

And X wept and wept.

Why did X weep? Why so sad, X? Because in X's mind, she killed her child.

At this point I am glad some of you were not there with X, because some of you believe X did not kill her child. Some of you believe that what X thought was her child was a non-person, a lump of fleshy matter, and nothing more. You would have told X that the "whatever" in her uterus was not really her child. You would have counseled X that she really didn't kill her child, and because it wasn't her baby, and yes it is wrong to kill babies and children and persons, it wasn't any of those things. You would have euphemistically counseled her that she was simply exercising her "reproductive rights." I am thankful you were not there to comfort X with these philosophical (not scientific) ideas. They would not have helped her as she grieved at the thought of her child now being two years old.

X knew that killing her child was wrong. X was brought low over choosing herself over her baby. This is why X wanted to talk with Linda and I. X wanted to know how she could go on with her life. We talked with her about forgiveness, and the amazingness of God's mercy and grace. This is the only answer we know of that could help and heal X. And, BTW, we all need this. Understand this, and you will understand Christianity.

Abortion, says Pope Francis, is "genocide." The Pope has compared abortion to "hiring a hit man to resolve a problem." 

The Pope has said: “How can we genuinely teach the importance of concern for other vulnerable beings, however troublesome or inconvenient they may be, if we fail to protect a human embryo, even when its presence is uncomfortable and creates difficulties?”

The core issue, which is lost in all the current political obscurity, is the nature of the "whatever" in the womb. Is it a human life? X knew it was.

(See the argument here. And here.)

If you have had an abortion, 
or supported an abortion, 
and are suffering as a result, 
please contact us.