WANT TO BE PART OF SOMETHING GREAT? Join me as we’re pulling girls and young women out of a life of sex trafficking in Bangkok. We’re working with NightLightBangkok, which is a business that gives employment to women, giving them jobs to make jewelry. (Go to nightlightbangkok.com for details.)
We raised $1.3 million in five months last summer and fall to purchase two buildings to be used as new factories for NightLight’s expanding, life-saving business.
My church also raised several thousand dollars on top of that to send Dan Boylan and Joe Laroy from our Monroe community to Bangkok to set up a renovation plan.
NOW, the plan is ready. We’re raising more funds to renovate these buildings, to include sending more people to Bangkok to do a lot of the work.
We’re having a FUND-RAISER at Redeemer Fellowship Church for the renovatin of these buildings. This will be a time of worship led by local musician John Standifer and a band of excellent local musicians. We’ll also have NightLight jewelry on display.
This Sunday, March 22
6:30 PM. Redeemer Fellowship Church. 5305 Evergreen, Monroe, MI. 734-242-5277