Thursday, June 21, 2012

Is Selling Sartre's "Being & Nothingness" an Act of Primary Consciousness?

My little paperback copy of Jean-Paul Sartre's Being and Nothingness sits on a shelf in my office. It would never be read by myself again.

But today I see Being and Nothingness selling for $2.99 for the Kindle. What is our world coming to, when great paradigm-birthing philosophical works like this are virtually given away to people who will never read them anyway since they (the books, that is) are so abstruse? Who, at, made the decision to do this? And, did they truly decide? Or was it some spontaneous, non-reflective thing and, as such, an act of the pre-reflective cogito as primary consciousness? Only later to be reflected on? (The Cartesian cogito that posits consciousness as an object - similar to Kahneman's "System II"?)