Friday, April 09, 2021

Letter to My Church Family - April 9. 2021


April 9. 2021

Good Morning Redeemer Family!

Here are some things coming to Redeemer.

UNDERSTANDING POSTMODERNISM: A 1-hour Zoominar. To more deeply understand what's going on in our culture, especially when it comes to issues of morality and truth, it is important to understand the influence of postmodern thinking. In this 1-hour, live, zoom event, Pastor John Piippo will explain postmodern thinking, and how, as followers of Jesus, we can respond to this. Emasil me for the link.

OUR ANNUAL SUMMER CONFERENCE is in Green Lake, Wisconsin, and the National Christian Conference Center. June 27 - July 1. Go to for details.

Youth Bake Sale - Next Sunday - The youth will be selling baked goods to raise funds to go to Green Lake this summer.

Books for Girls-available for parents of girls to check out in the lobby area

Planning Center -  This is a church wide tool that we would like everyone to be a part of.   It is currently being used to effectively serve the Hayfords, connect with the youth, and much more.  Please see Maria in the lobby at the end of the baptisms today and she can get you started.
