Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Get Off the Cultural Bandwagon and Follow Jesus


What an incredible two evenings we have had with Robby Dawkins and James Goll.

One more time tonight, June 23, 7:30 PM EST.

Go to hsrm.org to see the replays. And, to watch tonight, as Holly Collins leads worship, I speak, and then Robby Dawkins wraps the three nights up.

The first two sessions have been non-reactionary. Instead, they have been revelatory. Please note: revelation, not reaction. Not knee-jerk, but knees on the ground.

Both Robby and James emphasized not reacting to cultural expectations, or even what other churches are doing. I loved how James, at one point, expressed this:

Don't be pushed.

Be led.

That's beautiful!

And then James said,

Slow down.

Robby said,

Look to the Word of God.

I am saying,

Do not succumb to the reactionary reasoning of this world, which says,

1) Everyone is doing __________.
2) Therefore, I'm doing the same.

I reject that thinking. That kind of "logic" is what got me into trouble before I began to follow Jesus.

Don't go with the flow.

The only fish that goes with the flow is a dead fish.

There's a whole lot of good biblical and philosophical thinking behind this.

Don't follow the "herd." (Kierkegaard)

Don't react to the masses.

Don't jump on the bandwagon.

Instead, as both Robby and James have insisted, 

Slow down, 

listen to the Word of the Lord, 

and respond.

Pastors and leaders for Jesus, think this way:

Just because other churches are doing 
whatever they are doing, 
seek the Lord's wisdom and direction 
for your people. 
It may look different. 
Probably, it will be different.