Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Support Karla Mendoza

Karla Mendoza, who is an active part of our Redeemer family, is going for a 3-month internship to International House of Prayer in Kansas City.

Her story is below.

You can support her by going HERE.

When I was a little girl, I remember once hearing that the most unappreciated people in the church were intercessors, and although I wasn't sure of what that meant, I made the decision to never become one those, but Jesus is funny, you know.

Forward to about 4 years ago, and I found myself craving the very Presence of God, which was always accessible to me, but somehow became stronger when I interceded for my brothers and sisters. Sometimes, I was praying for my actual sister, but many times I found myself praying for the persecuted Church, for the women and men caught in human trafficking, for the children without a home, and even for the church in America.

Through intercession, my heart was open to so many people, because I didn't see them through a political stand, or what the world said about them, or even through my own eyes, but through the eyes of the Creator, who is so madly in love with them.

In this season, I'm feeling called to spend three months at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City by being a part of the Fire in the Night internship, where I will be interceding through the night hours for our communities, for the His children who know Him, but also and most definitely for the ones who do not. I have no idea how I'm getting there, but I know that He will provide if this is the place where I'm supposed to be.

Please partner with me as I take on this new adventure with Him.

Tuition, board and room: $2,200
Airfare: $500
Other expenses: $300

If you'd like to know more please don't hesitate to contact me!
Thank you so much in advance! :)