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In his final conversation with his disciples Jesus told them that he and his Father "would come to them and make their home in them." (John 14:23) How weird it would be if God did this and never, ever talked with us, especially given the fact that God is an all-loving Person who loves us with an everlasting love. There may be persons in our home who despise us and never talk to us, but God, essentially, is not that kind of Person. Dallas Willard writes:
"Certainly this abiding of the Son and the Father in the faithful heart involves conscious communication or conversation in a manner and a measure our Lord himself considers to be appropriate. It is simply beyond belief that two persons so intimately related... would not speak explicitly to one another. The Spirit who inhabits us is not mute, restricting himself to an occasional nudge, a hot flash, a brilliant image or a case of goose bumps." (Willard, Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God, Kindle Locations 331-334)
Connect with Jesus now.
Abide in Him.
Abiding includes conversing with God.