Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Study Worship with Holly Collins


I took Holly’s worship class at I time when I needed it most.

In the weeks before her class, I had just come back to God. I struggled with thoughts about God being upset with me for “messing up” my life and His plans for me. I didn’t know what He thought about me (except that He must be disappointed), and I felt scared to approach Him. On the first day of class, and in every day of class following, God’s presence felt thick and tangible in the room. A presence of love, acceptance, care. It was like He was sitting in the room with us, elbows on knees, full of anticipation for the moment that we would really understand just how crazy He was about us. When that moment hit me, it turned my world upside-down. When I experienced His embrace and smile over all of me, my heart came alive like it hadn’t in years! I was compelled to worship Him and to give Him my all. He became the joy of my heart. Holly spoke about God like I had never heard before and God seemed to be there in the room to help me believe He really did know me and love me with His whole heart. I’m so grateful to Holly for teaching this class; it changed my life.