Saturday, October 06, 2018

Presence-Driven Jesus-Followers Have Transcendent Vision

Our back yard

Every Sunday morning at Redeemer I gather people before the worship begins. We're in a circle on the edge of the sanctuary. I ask them this question:

"What do you see God doing in the sanctuary?"

What is Jesus up to, here and now?

Jesus is up to something, right? Here and now. Presently. Jesus assured us of this.

For wherever two or three come together 
in honor of my name, 
I am right there with them!”

Matthew 18:20 (Passion Translation)

I ask the question. People begin to respond.

"I see God doing this..."

"I see angels in the room..."

"I sense God's presence..."

Often, this comes with a lot of specific detail.

And usually, it serves as reassuring confirmation of what I am going to preach on.

Our people have transcendent vision. They see, spiritually. They are not so earthly minded that they are no heavenly good.

Examples of transcendent vision fill the Scriptures. For example, Elisha's servant.

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, 
and he looked 
and saw the hills full of horses 
and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

2 Kings 6:17

Dallas Willard comments:

"God enabled the young man to see the powers of his realm that totally interpenetrated and upheld the visible reality around him. How we need Elishas today who, by life and teaching and prayer, might open our eyes to see the reality of God’s presence all around us." (Willard, Hearing God Through the Year: A 365-Day Devotional, p. 90) 

We have many "Elishas" in our Jesus community. Consider a situation in your life that seems overwhelming. Then pray Elisha’s prayer for yourself. Allow God to show you details of the situation or “chariots of fire” surrounding you.