Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Relationships Class - Boundaries,a Bibliography, and One More Meeting on Dating and Marriage

Hello everyone who was in our Relationships class at Redeemer. Linda and I are so thankful you have been in our class!

Here are few things I want to share with you.

  • The video we showed on "boundaries" is above.
  • Linda and I will lead one more Relationships session. When: Sunday, June 14, 6 PM. We will talk about and teach the second half of the Real Relationships book - On Dating and Marriage. read Chapters 6-7-8-9 ("Falling in Love Without Losing Your Mind"; "Sex, Lies, and the Great Escape": "Breaking Up Without Falling Apart"; and "Relating to God without Feeling Phony"). Please feel free to invite anyone to this special session.
Here are five of the best books on Relationships we have found. If you want to continue to grow in your relationship abilities read these, slowly.