Sunday, May 06, 2012

Craig Keener's Commentary on the Book of Acts Arrives this Summer

Craig Keener's multi-volume commentary on the biblical book of Acts arrives this summer (Vol. 1 comes first).

Reviews are glowing.

In the first volume of this four-volume commentary, Craig Keener introduces the book of Acts and provides detailed exegesis of its opening chapters, drawing on more than 10,000 references from extrabiblical ancient sources.

"Somewhat surprisingly, a social-historical approach to Acts still needs to be defended and its value demonstrated. No one does this better--is more informed about ancient literature, parallels, and precedents, and more interactively and fruitfully engaged with contemporary literature and issues--than Craig Keener. In the Introduction (a monograph in itself), his treatment of the genre of Acts, especially his judicious discussion of the genre 'novel,' of the character of ancient historiography, and of the historical integrity and value of Acts, is unbeatable in today's market. For anyone wanting to appreciate how Acts 'worked' in its original context and to get into the text at some depth, Keener will be indispensable and 'first off the shelf.'"
--James D. G. Dunn, University of Durham

"Keener takes very seriously the claim of the book of Acts to be historiography. His encyclopedic knowledge of ancient literature and his intelligent skill as an exegete make this a magisterial commentary."
--Richard Bauckham, St. Andrews University; Ridley Hall, Cambridge

"This first volume promises to be the inaugural component of the most comprehensive commentary on Acts to date. Keener presents a socio-historical reading of the text with meticulous precision, and his knowledge of scholarly research is impressive. . . . The documentation from ancient Jewish literature is exceptionally rich. From now on, any exegesis of Acts will need to take into account this major work."
--Daniel Marguerat, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

"Early Christianity developed in a complex and multifaceted context, one that Craig Keener masterfully presents in this socially and historically oriented commentary on Acts. As one has come to expect from Keener, there is thorough knowledge and use of the best and most important secondary literature and abundant utilization of a wide range of ancient sources. This is a commentary that will continue to serve as a detailed resource for both scholars and students."
--Stanley E. Porter, McMaster Divinity College

"A monumental exegetical commentary. . . . Scholars and readers of the Acts of the Apostles will find it a precious source for consultation. In addition, Keener's attention to the work of Luke-Acts and the comparison he draws with Paul's letters will greatly profit those who are interested in the Third Gospel and the person of Paul."
--Fr. G. Claudio Bottini, Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Archaeology (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum), Jerusalem

"With a monograph-level introduction and solid, detailed use of background sources, Craig Keener has provided us with a rich gem of a commentary on Acts."
--Darrell L. Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary

"Keener shows convincingly how broadly and deeply Acts participates in ancient Hellenistic and Jewish thinking. This meticulous reconstruction fits well with his deep insights on Lukan theology in Acts. . . . I expect this to be a marvelous, impressive, and inspiring commentary!"
--Manfred Lang, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg