Monday, April 22, 2024

Our Ministries Need to Be Crucified


                                                                          (Ann Arbor)

While reading one of Chuck DeGroat's books, he pointed me to a book I was unfamiliar with: The Crucifixion of Ministry, by Andrew Purves. I checked it out, and saw glowing reviews from Stephen Seamands (Asbury), Craig Barnes, and others.

I got my hard copy last week.

Immediately, it has my attention. Here's a quote from the Preface, where Purves describe God-revelation he had while at the beach with his wife.

"Walking on the beach I as suddenly aware tat our attempt to be ministers is major problem. We are in the way. Our strategies, action plans, pastoral resources and entrepreneurial church revitalization techniques have not become the solution but the problem. Our ministries need to be crucified. They need to be killed off.

What if Jesus showed up? That's our only hope. Our people don't need us; they need Jesus. Our job is to bear witness to him, trusting to be the One who forgives, blesses, heals, renews, instructs, and brings life out of death."


Here is the flash point where the Consumer Entertainment Church wars against us.