Sunday, October 02, 2016

The Pastor as Religious Entertainer (The Presence-Driven Church)

University of Michigan

Eugene Peterson is a prophetic voice for today. He shepherds me through his writing. For example::

"As our society has become secularized, the leaders in affairs of faith and church are now understood through the filters of a secular culture,

and are now variously understood variously as

... a religious CEO,

... a community organizer,

... a therapist,

... a chaplain to a religious club,

... or a religious entertainer."

- Eugene Peterson, Foreward, in Arthur Boers, Servants and Fools: A Biblical Theology of Leadership

A non-secularized pastor-leader...

... rejects power for self promotion, grounded in worship,

...has a praying life,

...expects suffering,

...and is not concerned with results.

A pastor-leader is not concerned with results because their overriding concern is following Jesus and inviting others to join them. (Throughout history many Jesus-followers labored without seeing results.)