Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Child & Family Expert Richard Dawkins Speaks Out on Child Abuse Again

Linda and I are in NYC where I'm teaching apologetics at Faith Bible Seminary. I did a critique of Richard Dawkins today. I'm in out hotel waiting for someone to pick us up adn take us to dinner. I just found this little news brief on Dawkins. He's writing a children's book on "how to think about the world, science thinking contrasted with mythical thinking." His new book is out to "demolish the "Judeo-Christian myth"."

Dawkins will be funding a series of atheistic advertisements on London buses.

Dawkins is on his "teaching religion is a form of child abuse" thing again. His children's book is out to combat religious child abuse. For Dawkins it's child abuse to tell children about hell. So the alternative is tell little kids that there's no meaning to their lives and they'll slip in to non-existence when they die? And because there's no God there's no purpose to any of this?

Dawkins says: "Do not ever call a child a Muslim child or a Christian child – that is a form of child abuse because a young child is too young to know what its views are about the cosmos or morality." So I presume his kids book will not let them in on the bleak nihistic ending that's waiting for them. He's just going to debunk what he thinks are myths and present his idea of science. Dawkins is the James Dobson of atheists except, unlike Dobson, his Ph.D has nothing to do with families.